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Widen your perspective, make better decisions.

Wyda Perspective™ is a highly advanced business simulation that accelerates your lived experience across the breadth of an organisation.

Experiential Learning, Exponential Growth.

You’ll sit in the driving seat, directing a company through a range of challenges, from a variety of C-Suite perspectives and in just eight immersive hours, you’ll learn the langauge that’s used in these worlds, the metrics executives are measured on, the priorities they’re juggling and the ultimate responsibilities of their role.

You’ll increase your financial literacy, commercial acumen, stakeholder empathy and cross-functional knowledge – but even more important than that, you’ll know what it feels like to inhabit those positions.

By the end you’ll have gained incredible insight into how large organisations operate, and how all the departments interact with each other – not just how the management theory believes they should, but how human dynamics realistically affect everything too.

Real world business simulation, built for transformation and collaboration.

Specifically designed to develop confident, well-rounded, impactful professionals who operate effectively in complex organisations. You’ll find cross-functional collaboration increases as you elevate your teams understanding, and help them gain a Wyda Perspective.

Activating Commercial Acumen.

Commercial acumen is the ability to make great business decisions under pressure, with imperfect information in dynamic or uncertain situations. But how do you define a great decision? How much information is enough? What should be considered, and how quickly do you need to make the decision?

It depends.

Outside of academia there isn’t a single magic formula. Commercial acumen in the real world is developing the know-how, and know-why ingredients for business. These can then be applied, in context, to your own unique situation. Delivering exceptional results through insight and collaboration and making great decisions on a consistent basis.

The ultimate goal being sustainable high performance, driven by strong commercial acumen throughout your oranisation.

What to expect from our programs

The learner’s experience

Working at a fictional company called ‘Ada’, you’re in control of a series of functional departments as a real-life scenario plays out around you. You’ll be surprised how realistic it is, as you’re immersed in video conferences and voice calls, and feel the pressure to react to incoming messages.

The organisation's experience

If we’re engaging with you to grow your business we’ll get to know your organisation first, develop an approach to suit your requirements and then dovetail the learning experience according to your context and goals.

14 Immersive Scenarios

There are seven levels to complete, each with two scenarios experienced from different CxO perspectives. You’ll make decisions that affect the entire company, often based on imperfect information and under time pressure.

Right or wrong, you’ll immediately see the flow-on effect of your decisions on the bottom line, stock price and a host of other metrics relevant to the role you’re playing.

Just as important, and perhaps even more so, you’ll face the reaction from your colleagues at Ada, along with customers and suppliers, as the human side of your decisions play out as you may, or may not have anticipated.

Personal Coaching and Reflection

You’re supported throughout by an experienced Wyda Performance Coach, who challenges you to get the most out of each scenario based on your organisation’s context and your own learning goals.

At the end of each scenario, you’re presented with acase study reflecting how real-world companies faced the situation you have just been through, and there are optional additional learning resources available to deepen your knowledge.

You’re encouraged to reflect in a private journal, reflecting on what you’ve learned and considering how it applies to your own day-to-day real-world context.

Live Peer Discussions

At kick-off, mid-point and wrap-up you’ll join a live workshop with your peers. Facilitated by one of our experienced coaches, you discover their thoughts on the decisions you faced, and discuss what can be applied in your role, straight away.

Digital Credential

When you finish the business simulation you’ll have earned a digital credential to strenthen your LinkedIn profile, and celebrate your valuable commercial acumen skills.

Detailed Analytics

You’ll receive a detailed personal report upon completion, providing insights into your learning agility, how you performed in each scenario, and all of your personal journal reflections to continue your professional development and apply your ideas into your role right away.

Throughout the simulation, your cohort will receive progress updates celebrating highlights of performance and reflection as well as guiding accountability and time management.

On-Demand Access

You retain access to the business simulation for a year, including all of the learning frameworks, glossary, case studies and explainer videos. You can also choose to run any part of the simulation again, on-demand, whenever you want.

Business Simulation Launch

Once you’ve chosen the employees who’ll experience the simulation we’ll support your pre-launch communications to introduce the concept, link to your goals and overall learning program and establish a baseline. We’ll get the cohort off to a strong start with a live one-hour virtual workshop.

Learning by Doing

There are seven levels to complete, each with two scenarios experienced from different perspectives. The program can be securely accessed online, anytime, applying the principles of ‘spaced learning’ – a new level every week that takes roughly an hour to complete.
Participants are supported by an experienced Wyda Performance Coach throughout, and at the end of each scenario they’re presented with a real life case study relevant to the situation they’ve just experienced, and personal reflections to connect learning to their day-to-day.

Peer Discussions

Social learning is a critical element of adult learning and of this program. At the mid-point of the simulation, and after the final simulated challenge we bring the cohort together for a facilitated one-hour peer discussion.
We’ll celebrate successes, discuss the ‘aha’ moments linked to your organisations learning outcomes, and draw the line between the simulation and the real-world, uncovering what can be applied in the workplace, straight away.

Reports and Analytics

You’ll receive weekly performance and progress reports, and at the end you’ll be in possession of a wealth of data-driven insights that can be used to assess impact and support ongoing internal collaboration and learning programs.

Wrap Up

You’ll see the quantitative and qualitative results to map the impact of the program and we’ll wrap up with a live virtual workshop celebrating success, and linking it all back to achieving your business goals.

Who is it for?

Wyda Perspective™ helps business professionals at all levels.  We believe every person in your organisation will perform better when they understand how everything works as a functioning whole. They’ll be able to act with more autonomy, agency and empowerment, they can make better judgements, cut across functional siloes and be more engaged when they feel part of your story.

Whether you’re new to your role or a seasoned executive, CEO or senior partner, what you take from the experience depends on you.

Executives and leaders

Leaders often say they’ve deepened their understanding of a range of different functions, allowing them to lead more effectively. Executive teams learn not just from the simulation itself, but also from discussing the nuanced decisions made along the way. There aren’t always right and wrong, black and white answers, and how you react in the moment can reveal quite a lot, even to you.

Hear what leaders say about the impact Wyda Perspective™ had in their own words.

Sales Professionals and Senior Associates

Gain incredible insight into how clients make decisions, and learn how to engage as trusted advisors helping customers make and implement high quality decisions with confidence. This means understanding from your customers perspective, across the breadth of cross-functional stakeholders, what is driving decisions, what risks and opportunities it presents for them, how they define success and at the end of the day, how your organisation is relevant to helping them achieve their goals.

Hear what customer facing professionals say about the outcomes they experience from the Wyda Perspective™, in their own words.

Get in touch

If you want to find out more, complete this form and we'll contact you to schedule a time to talk.

We’re all about impact

Whatever business outcomes you’re focussed on, you’re going to get there faster if everyone works together, and they know what they’re doing.

We’ll give you a gauge by measuring your employees’ shift in confidence having completed the simulation. Some realise they had previously been over-confident, while others lift their self-belief. Either way your business will benefit, and your employees’ skills will grow too.




Learner Satisfaction




CXO Perspectives


AVE hrs to Complete